Mission Statement
Scoil Phádraig Naofa is a school for boys. We are an inclusive school. We are dedicated to educating boys of all faith backgrounds (and none) in accordance with our Catholic ethos. Our mission is to develop boys with active and creative minds, a love of God, a sense of compassion for others and the courage of their convictions. We focus on the holistic development of each boy; spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical. We promote the professional and personal development of staff. We encourage parental involvement in education. In partnership with family, parish and community we hope to lay a firm foundation which will enable our boys to reach their individual potential and to make an active and valuable contribution to society.
Ethos Statement
Scoil Phádraig Naofa is a Catholic School under the patronage of the Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin. Prayer is a regular feature of the school day. Our prayer is based on Catholic tradition and always seeks to be inclusive in its expression. The Christian Liturgical Seasons are celebrated. Children are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation in partnership with parents and parish. Our school is a centre of learning where high professional standards are maintained and boys develop holistically in a safe and happy environment. We encourage parental involvement in education and close ties between home and school. Our school policies are drafted to reflect the characteristic spirit of our school, embedded to Gospel values and based on the example of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our school recognises the unique dignity and value of each person as a child of God.

Staff 2024/2025
Principal: Rory Healy
Deputy Principal: James Connolly
Junior Infants: Mairead Ellis
Senior Infants: Orla O Sullivan
First Class: Mary Brennan
Second Class: David Sheridan
Third Class: James Connolly
Third Class: James Connolly
Third & Fourth Class: Ciara O Brien
Fourth Class: Laura Drea
Fifth Class: Sinead Beaton
Sixth Class: Pamela Murphy
HSCLO: Deirdre Fleming
Special Education Team: Michele Hand, Colm O Byrne, Caoimhín O Murchú, Finola Dempsey, Linda Kavanagh
Special Needs Assistants: Olivia Nolan, Ann Broughan, Ann Broderick
Secretary: Teresa Gorman
Caretaker: James Smithers
Cleaners: Kelly Simpson, Aelita Volkova
Board of Management
Chairperson: Margaret Smyth
Treasurer: Marcus McCormack
Secretary: Rory Healy
Parents’ Nominees : Diarmuid O’Sullivan, Eileen Mulligan
Teachers’ Nominee: James Connolly
Community Nominee: Veronica Black
Patron’s Nominee: Jen Murphy